Just a few non profits in our region making a difference.
Project Crossroads is a mission of The United Methodist Church. With headquarters in Marion, Virginia, Project Crossroads serves the needs of God's children through home repair, new home construction, firewood delivery, and emergency assistance. By working with Project Crossroads, you or your group have the opportunity for faithful witness of Christ's presence through love in action. 276-782-3339
Mel Leamon Free Clinic
Mel Leaman Free Clinic was developed because access to primary health care for the working poor was identified as a primary concern in Smyth County. Despite the myriad of assistance programs available to county residents, there are still people needing assistance, especially health and dental services. 276-781-2090
Mountain Community Action Program
Relay For Life
Relay For Life is not just a fundraiser toward awareness and research to find a cure for cancer. It is also an opportunity for the community to come together in a family-friendly event to show that cancer cannot dim the strength of spirit and light of hope in all those affected by this disease. 276-739-7780
Smyth County Special Games
Smyth County Special Games are held annually to promote the area individuals with special abilities and their athletic abilities. Area seniors and community members work together to make sure this is an inclusive day for all. Smyth County Special Games are organized athletic events which give ALL individuals the chance to play and compete together!
Smyth County Historical and Museum Society
Sprouting Hope
Sprouting Hope’s mission is to feed the community by growing and sharing healthy produce, with the vision of everyone having access to healthy food. Everything grown is distributed to volunteers, food pantries, soup kitchens, and the free clinic.
Guardian Angel Faith In Action
The Guardian Angel Faith in Action mission is to coordinate congregations of all denominations and the community to meet the needs of people in Smyth County, VA, whose circumstances leave them with significant financial, social, or spiritual needs. This is to be accomplished in a manner that maintains the dignity of the individual and expresses the love of Christ.
Highlands Community Collaboration Council
The Highlands Community Collaboration Council mission is to facilitate collaboration among individuals, families, agencies, businesses, organizations and resource providers in effectively addressing issues affecting employment, housing, transportation, health, and education.